Thursday, October 14, 2010

I had to put it here...

The most beautiful part
of my Life..

Where each moment
Is so precious
So subtle...
So naive..
So genuine...
So unprecedented..

Just the outcome of
What my mind has sown so far

The time has come
To change every bit
To change the blood
To change the source..

Even the blood
Is so suffocated
Is so choked...
To go back to
The same heart...
The same mind...
Feeding it
The way it has done

With all the efforts
Going futile...

Perhaps it is easy ..
To rip off that vein..
And let it escape...
Flow freely...

Strangulating the mind ...
Leaving it with no food...
Until it won't have
A choice...
But to let go...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thoughts of nirvana

How wrong is the decision taken on a wrong way
If the path is wrong then does the correctness of the decision matter ?
How does a wrong decision taken on a wrong path affect your karma?
On the contrary, if a right decision is taken on a wrong way does the decision help rectify anything?
If on the right way, a wrong decision can change things drastically. But it's not true the other way round.
The world is not balanced. Neither is your karma. If it would have been balanced there would be no reason for your birth in this unbalanced world.
The negativity is the test.
The point of this being is to balance the unbalanced equation.
This very existence is not meant to be fair.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Dream

I could see ....
I will die at 10 30 Am...
Something is going to kill me..
or Someone..

With no knowledge of when,
By whom,
and most importantly,

I could observe things
in a much better way..
I was sharp on my senses
Knew exactly how to spend
the little time I had..

No one had any idea
What my mind was thinking..
Probably the best set of thoughts..
While I could see the ship sinking..

The people I saw
Were a strange set...
The ones I would..
Like to forget..
But they were waiting..
For me to pay their debt...

And I saw her...
But never looked in her eyes...
For I didn't want her to know
How much this soul has loved her..
and would continue to do so..
even after it's carrier dies...

And there I was
with no regrets....
Placing my bets ..
On the fatal threats..
Getting answers to
all my quests...

Those last minutes..
I was totally with my Self..
Glad to be alone..

And then I had
a sweet realization...
the fear of my killer coming
if now the fear of the clock ticking..

If I stop the clock..
I thought I wouldn't die...
I laughed my ass out ...
As I saw it coming..

And there was the transition...
as I was still chuckling..

Friday, March 26, 2010


No happiness...
No act of kindness...
No charity..
No cool breeze of the west...
No morning ray of the Sun...
No mother's touch...
No genuine friend...
No great achievement...
No sense of pride...
No pure tenderness....
No good soul...
No solace....
No reason to live....
Can calm this agitated Mind....


A desire...
To be left..
To be immune...
To be isolated...
From all the wordly things..
From all the emotions....
Trying to encroach the soul...
Making it hard to breathe..
Suffocating to the core...
Making it vulnerable....
To even the smallest hint of solace.....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Tribute

With the desire to walk forever.......
The lush green fields...
Distant mountains...
The golden snow clad peaks...
With the evening sun rays...
of The early Spring.....

The breeze tickle the weeds....
The rustling sound of the leaves....
The White-crowned Sparrows flying home...
The soft moist soil touching your feet....

The potholes and The thorns...
make you focus on The Path....
Get You back to Reality...
with a Purpose....

make you learn...

to cherish The desire....
Despite the hurdles...
Covet the feeling.....
Beyond death....

To be standing at a peak....
to surrender Your Self...
to The Creator....
by taking a Dip...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Feel what you don't want to feel...

When You know
You have a thought to ignore...
The thought.. you didn't recognize the worth of...
At the right time...

The thought...... that would have been...
The most serene....
The happiest moment in your life...

You know it when the moment is gone...

Probably because the moment is gone...

But the same thought....
Though equally supreme and divine...

Cannot be tolerated by the mind....
It does not want to have it....
Because the thought is just
The result of sublimation...
The source of it is no more....
Only the essence..
Spreading in no particular direction..

freely... slowly... steadily...
No support.. nothing to hold on to...
So afraid...
because it has nothing to fear... nothing to lose...

The mind wants to be free from that...consciously
It remembers what it needs to forget...
And goes through the hurt again..

And again....
Being oblivious of the consequences...

Because the rules don't apply to the origin...
A thought is genuine...
Because it is from the subconscious...

And it's no justice to suppress it...

The rules apply only when the thought
Has surfaced...

And when the mind has gone through....
All it wants to avoid..

A Paradox...

Probably..somewhere beneath....
It wants to go through all that...

But consciously.....
It doesn't want to feel...

So is there....
Really a choice..
For what you want to feel...
What you want to go through..
Or what....
You don't want to go through....